TreefrogTed's Page

This page is for my stuff.
Born December 7, 1963, Baltimore Maryland
Education B.A., University of Texas, 1985; M.D. Medical College of Georgia, 1989
Currently Anesthesiologist at the Children's Medical Center, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta Georgia
Interests Motorcycles, Photography, Books
Contact Me

Hello to all!  I am still trying to figure out what to do with this little website, but one of the main things I put it up for is for family and friends to have someplace to see pictures.  I don't know if I will ever get caught up with uploading the pictures I have already taken, but this should work better than emailing them to everyone who asks.

Other things I have thought about doing include putting up some of the Power Point presentations  I give at work in case students, residents, or anyone else wants to refer to them, as well as a section of general information about anesthesia.  I get a lot of questions about my job and it appears there are a lot of misconceptions about what I do that need dispelling.  Of course, I'm going to have to put some motorcycle-related stuff up too.  In any event, if you are reading this and have some input, criticism, advice, or whatever, use the link above to email me or sign my guest book and I will see what you have to say.

If you are interested in my pictures, here is what I use to take them:
Canon EOS 20D digital SLR
Sigma 12-24 mm zoom
Canon 17-85 mm EF-S zoom
Canon 24 mm f/1.4L prime
Canon 50 mm f/1.4 prime
Canon 100-400 mm f/4-5.6L zoom
2 Canon 580EX flashes
Giottos carbon fiber tripod with Acratech ball head
and a whole bunch of assorted filters, carrying cases, and other trinkets.

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